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Tuition and Financial Aid

A Value-Driven Investment in Your Student’s Future

At Fort Bend Christian Academy, we strive to make a premier private, Christian education accessible and affordable to all families.

Your child's tuition will cover more than a great education.

In addition to a college preparatory and faith-filled environment, the investment in your child's school also covers:

  • Technology
  • Athletics
  • Textbooks
  • Field trips
  • Some overnight trips such as
    • 7th Grade Texas Tour,
    • 8th Grade Camp Eagle,
    • Freshmen and Senior Retreat

Tuition for 2024-2025

Level 12 Monthly Payments 2 Semi-Annual Payments Annual Payments  
Grades Pre-K - Kindergarten $1,370 $8,220 $16,440  
Grades 1 - 4 $1,475 $8,850 $17,700  
Grades 5 - 8 $1,675 $10,050 $20,100  
Grades 9 - 12 $1,965 $11,790 $23,580  


FBCA does not charge our families any additional fees or interest to spread their tuition over 12 months. 

New Student Fees

  • Application Fee: $100
  • Enrollment Fee: $600

Returning Student Fees

  • Enrollment Fee: $250

Extended Care

Extended Care is available from 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Annual Agreement

  • $190/12 monthly payments
  • $1,140/Semi-Annual payments
  • $2,280/Annual payment

Drop-In Daily Rate

  • Early Morning Care $12/day
  • Afternoon Care $20/day

Tech & Misc.

Students in the Lower and Middle Schools are provided an iPad by FBCA for school use. Students in the Upper School may bring and use their own devices.

Items and costs that are personal to each student will continue to be the financial responsibility of each family: school uniforms, athletic player pack, summer camps, band or music equipment rental, extended care, lunch, Upper School Eagle Week Trips, Athletic Booster Club membership or other fundraising organization dues, and other individual miscellaneous charges.

 Coming in as a student who went to public school my entire life, I was surprised at how fast I was able to find a group of friends. We have a community where there is so much respect and love for everyone, and I just think it's a great place to learn and grow not only academically, but spiritually as well. I have never seen teachers who cared for their students and had so much compassion for their craft as much as they do here. Jamison Louie, Eagle Ambassador

Financial Aid

Fort Bend Christian Academy understands that tuition can pose a financial challenge for many families. We prioritize assisting families based on demonstrated financial need through our thorough financial aid application process. Additional applications will be evaluated based on the availability of funds.

Apply for Financial Aid

*The Fast Application process has changed for the 2025-2026 school year. All previous users will need to create a new account with Fast. Click the link above to begin.