Vision 2030
Vision 2030 is a series of capital projects that will take place over the next six years. It is our intention to complete all projects by the year 2030. These projects are being considered in alignment with the school’s long-term strategic plan, previously-developed campus master plan, and current and emerging needs and wants to continue to flourish as a premier, independent Christian Pre-K - 12 grade school.
As a Christian, giving is not something we do; it’s who we are. For me, giving to FBCA is contributing to the work God is doing, a work that I’m witnessing in how my daughter is flourishing spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. As the Bible says, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.Reme E.
FBCA Parent
Project Information
Your philanthropy and giving plays a major role in these projects. Recently, generous gifts helped to fund and accelerate our campus security plans. Your financial support of the Annual Fund or restricted gifts toward these projects can and will accelerate our progress. If you have a desire to donate to any of these projects, we encourage you to begin discussions and planning with Page Hernandez, FBCA Director of Advancement.
We hope that this summary provides you with greater clarity and peace on our current direction and vision for Fort Bend Christian Academy. We are confident these projects will continue to advance FBCA as a leading independent Christian school and enhance the educational experience for our students. Our goal is to complete the first phase projects, the Lower and Middle School Campus expansion, Upper School expansion, and Field House modifications by 2030. Thank you for your partnership and support!